Baseball is Boring Pechakucha

Baseball is Boring Pechakucha

Opening day for the MLB happened just over a week ago, and this got me thinking about a presentation I did last summer for a school project.

Since I was little, baseball has always been a pretty big part of my life. I preferred it to any other sport, spending summer playing in the youth league and in the backyard with my brothers, my cousins, and the neighborhood kids, and then playing year-round while I was in High School. But, it wasn’t until I moved to Los Angeles where I felt like there was a team close enough for me to follow. I began following the Dodgers. As luck would have it, they did really well that seasons, and it was really easy to continue to tune into a baseball season that is 162+ games.

This re-sparked my love for the game, and I started talking about it more. I had an individual assignment for a class called Narrative & Storytelling, we were going to be making PechaKucha presentations. A PechaKucha presentation is designed as a playful 20-slide presentation with the slides auto-advancing every 20 seconds. It’s a super fun way to present. Keeping the slides simple gives you room to improvise and keep things conversational as you make every effort to keep your timing. These types of presentations also reinforce the idea that no one knows if you mess up, get caught up in your words, or deviate from the script you prepared. In fact, you should plan to deviate, it allows for a more natural and compelling presentation.

I decided to do a PechaKucha called Baseball is Boring that discusses the subtle difficulty of the pitcher and catcher battle, and it went really well! Here it is:

Disclaimer: This presentation was for educational purposes. I do not own the images of the MLB players.

You can’t think and hit at the same time. Yogi Berra


About Brandon C Sammons

Brandon is a versatile and passionate engineer that uses design thinking and web technologies for creative problem-solving. He is currently working as the Director of Software at SXSW and teaching Web Design at FIDM.