How many times should I redo my site?
How many times should I redo my site? Many times… Well, this time I just used a template, I didn’t do too much here other than tweak some settings and get it working using Jekyll and Netlify. Which, in all actuality is the easy part, even if I were to design it from scratch. The hard part is porting over old content or actually creating new content on a regular basis. This time, I want to focus on the content.
I’ll be finishing graduate school in about a month, and I’ve been contemplating taking a break from the big social media sites. Maintaining this site would be a nice alternative, and it would give me a great place to begin formalizing and sharing some of past, present, and future projects and findings.
I’m looking forward to it, and hopefully, I’ll be able to maintain a simple and steady drip of content.
In my career, I found that the best people are the ones that really understand the content. Steve Jobs